Our Services

Our services fall under 2 main categories, Personalized Wellness Strategies & Specialized Accessibility Inspections/Consulting

Personalized Wellness Strategies

Personalized Wellness

Utilizing our clinical background and providing consistency and continuity of care is what sets us apart! Whether you are looking for balance and strength training, assistance with showers or more consistency/frequency with what you are learning with your Home Health or Outpatient Therapy; we are here to bridge the gap and let you direct what we focus on, not being limited by what insurance dictates.

Our Personalized Wellness Strategies program has a wide range of coverage to meet the wants and needs of our clients. Our services are often used to bridge the gap and increase carryover of the limited therapy services provided by home health or outpatient but can range to concierge and companion care as directed by our clients and their family.

Our clients and their families often see us as an extension of their family, like a daughter who works in healthcare and advocates for them/their loved ones. It is of the utmost importance to us that we provide very personal services with the skilled eye and continuity of care you can’t find with other companies. It’s an honor that our clients are safe and confident in their own homes.

Geriatirc Life Coaching

Dedicated to helping clients navigate the changing seasons of life to age gracefully when it might otherwise be overwhelming. We will help guide you in navigating resources, decision making and life as it changes to equip you in making well rounded decisions that support your vision for quality of life.

Concierge Boutique Services

Ever dreamed of going on a date and not having to have you significant other load and unload your wheelchair or help you in the bathroom, so you can just enjoy one another company while at the Art Museum? Well, that’s how we help support one of our clients’. If you’re looking for a unique service but don’t know where to find it, just ask us, we want to do what we can to help increase the quality of your life.

Wound Care Assistance

We will work closely with your Wound Care Specialist and or Home Health agency to maximize your healing.

Travel Planning

Thats right, we took a leap and became a licensed independent travel agent as well, so now you can Thrive Away too! Let us put or skills and resources to the test to help you plan a vacation of your dreams, despite physical limitations.

Specialized Accessibility Inspections/Consulting

Home Safety & Accessibility Inspections

Our Home Safety and Accessibility Inspections are generally referred to word of mouth following a hospital or rehab stay to increase their ability to return home and their success upon returning home. Our Certified Aging in Place Specialist & Occupationl Thearpy Practitioner will inspect everything from point of entry into the home to how they will get in and out of the shower & everything in between.

You will be provided recommendations on what needs to be done, what equipment is suggested, and specifics on where and how it should be used. Clients have the option to complete these on their own or have them project managed by our Certified Aging in Place Specialist. Project management is very popular as it really creates a hassle-free option allowing our clients and their family to focus on healing and familial support needed during this often-challenging time.

New Home Coaching

We work with you and your realtor to provide awareness for guidance in decision making to help you find the home that is going to be the best fit for you current and future accessibility needs!

Commercial Accessibility Coaching & Consultation

We come alongside your company to insure you are not simply checking a box to meet ADA requirements but that you are actually designing well to increase your customer’s experience. We have been flabbergasted at the poor design of even Rehabilitation Hospitals patient bathrooms!

Remodeling Consultation

Consulting with you and your contractors to bring awareness to the often-costly design mistakes that you wish you would have known about, so you can make educated and informed decisions for beautiful and wise design choices that you will be thrilled with both now and for years to come!